More New Thoughts

Student Loans

Student loans are a folly
An imprudence close to lunacy
Graduates are essential
To the survival
Of every society
It is a tragic misdeed
To impose financial punishment
On every student
For dreaming of betterment
For daring to meet the challenge
Of learning in a needy world
It is also alas
Part of the free enterprise syndrome
The open market
The balanced budget disorder
That intrudes into everyday modern life
O yes
What fools
Leaders thus infected are!
How stupid!
How dunce-like!
How simple-minded!
For every new academic
Provides inevitable return
For the investment in her or his learning
New taxes
New purchase of goods
And, heaven forbid,
The occasional new discovery
That will enhance society forever

War Guilt

Killing innocent fellow humans
In warfare
Is never justified
There is no valid reason for any war
Ignore cunning combat discourse
Or even victory celebrations
Often a false narrative underlies the belligerence
Convenient crimes are attributed to the chosen foe
Lies so often follow to seal the deal
Every command delivered with rage
Is a tragic example of poisonous guilt
So often linked to deadly ambiguity
With reasons given so rarely the only choice
And each time there is the beat of drums
The Gaza conflict
Is a cataclysmic event in my lifetime
The carnage and desolation chill my bones
That ill-starred land
Has become a lunar landscape
Fellow humans have nothing but stark wreckage
And tears
And cries of pain
And hunger that endlessly grows
There is no reason
Valid for such a situation
No excuse for the infinite suffering
The spiritual despair of so many innocents
So count me in you obsessed men-at-arms
I share the pain of the victims of your tragic deeds


Well now, here is the news
I wonder what has happened today
Is there another
Pedestrian in critical condition when hit by a car?
Knife assault at a shopping centre?
Woman murdered by her former lover?
Teenager drowned when swept from rocks?
Elderly victim of a flood?
Court case concerned with rape?
Car crash with four deceased?
Neighbour accused of hate crimes?
Father tried for killing his three sons?
Multiple homicide by cooking toadstools?
Police officers shot dead by terrorists?
Australians murdered in Mexico?
Mass drowning in rain and flood in Brazil?
What’s that you say?
No such headlines today?
Well then, that’s it
Such is life
So what is the news?
What events can you share with us?
They have found a remedy for liver cancer
Global warming
For dementia
O my!
How boring!


Have I wandered down the streets of life
My tattered old body
With its pacemaker heart
And aching limbs
Cries out in pain now when I walk
Time is not my enemy though
But my adjudicator
Telling me with a firm voice
That even kings traverse a road
That has a dead end
There’s a terminal destination for everyone
I can feel that in my aching bones
An ultimate prophesy
But my crumbling brain still keeps enumerating
All my struggles
All my soul-destroying failures
All my pathetic unfulfilled dreams
Yet here I am
Still breathing
Still beset by life’s problems
Still struggling determinedly to be wise
Still afflicted with my own infinite inadequacies
That is why
I now tell all who know me
Not to fret
On my final day
As then all the hue and cry
Will fade away like mists in the morning

Perchance To Dream

Dreamers have a place in the world
They are not obeisant to outdated customs
Traditions or practices
They see beyond the pall of conformity
And catch a glimpse of the far side
Of Gödel’s circle of entropy*
So many times
During mankind’s storyline
Someone has a dream of stepping outside
Our world of normality
So man has flown
So we hear a voice from the antipodes
So Armstrong has strolled defiantly on the moon
It is so easy to stay within worn out convention
To eat your food from McDonald’s or Hungry Jack’s
To watch a TV tragedy that sells you underwear
To delve into your shock jock’s mind for awareness
But waiting for you
If you care to look, is a fresh vision of a better world
A way of seeing things differently
In a new light
So your understanding startles you
Therefore listen to new versions of things
Give the innovator a chance to be right
And sometimes
I repeat sometimes
You will travel to an undreamed of destination

*Gödel’s incompleteness theorem suggests we all have a circle of awareness beyond which we falter.


New Thoughts

The Market Magus

To all advertisers

The Market Magus
Haunts the Hills Of Shame
With diamonds on his fingers
Gold anklets on his legs
Ready to control your journey
Beware of him
For he has no mercy
No pity for guilt-free travellers
No care for pilgrims
He simply dares to plunder them
Every voyager in the Land of Plenty
Will find him intruding in your way
He is the master of mangling magic
Casting spells
That change the world as you see it
Conjuring forth images
That transfix you
Beguile you
Bewilder you
And lead you to his chosen destination
When you see him take care
For he is very cunning
A maestro of deception
A pundit of punishment for the unwary
A champion of one sided competition
So be on your guard when next you journey
Heed not his guileful words
Be ready for his sorcery
Stay firm on your journey
Choose your own destination
And watch him shrivel away to non existence

The Phantom Refugee

There he was
Like a wandering wraith
With a tattered bag slung over his shoulder
Walking down from the ancient hills of my land
I was amazed to see him there
For there is nothing but ocean
On the other side of those hills
As he came towards me
I noticed his face was alien
He wore a peasant’s hat
The kind you see in foreign farms
I bade him welcome
He smiled at me
Then spoke in language I did not understand
And kept on walking towards the town
Soon he was gone
And I returned to my work on the farm
Two days later, on Saturday
I learnt from my paper
Of a man who came to my land by boat
Illegally it was said
And I felt an overwhelming shame
For I knew this was not illegal
There is a law that has saved millions
Asylum sanctuary
By any means including boat
Is the internationally legal* right
Of all humans…
That ghost still haunts me now

*Everyone has the right to seek asylum and be free from persecution, regardless of how or in what country they arrive. Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 Refugee Convention 1951.


Einstein taught us
Is not constant
We the people
As sources of energy
Illustrate the great man’s notion
Of relativity
For all humans
All individuals on Earth
Each moment happens
At a rate unique to that person
That is the physics of it
But what of the psychology?
Now that is an interesting question
Take the boring sermon for instance
O how slowly time moves
For that captive audience
But with the hunter in the hills
How quickly the deer moves to safety
A moment’s delay and a prey is lost
In Guantánamo Bay
Chronology is mutilated
There for the prisoners it no longer exists
And what of the past
The people and events
Influencing all that we do and think today?
Time is moderated by history
Which is what we have to influence the present
Without it
A Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot, Genghis or Attila
May well rise again and hold sway over us all

Julius Caesar

Julius Caesar
In 44BCE
Was dictator perpetuo*
A schemer seeking power
Seen as a danger
That must be eliminated
Enter Brutus and Cassius
And others
Murder follows
A fitting end for a tyrant?
But wait a minute
Was Caesar a narcissistic sociopath?
Was his power an outcome of fraudulent designs?
Of lies?
Can there be another Caesar today?
An equivalent in modern times?
A contemporary tzar?
A kaiser?
An Commander Caesar?
An aspirant who can do no wrong?
Now that is the crux of this story
Giving rise to another question
Is there alive today a would-be leader
Seeking timeless power, absolute leadership
Endless control of others’ destinies
Who needs to beware of the Ides of March?**

*Latin: ”dictator for life.”

** The date of Caesar’s assassination: March 15, 44 BCE.


Holden and Ford cars
We make no more
But protected mobility vehicles
We create aplenty
Bushmaster is the name
A four-wheel drive armoured machine
Designed by the people’s ADI*
In February ’44
Combat is such a handy spur for the market
Lucre! Lucre! Lucre! Is the battle cry
But who gets the money?
All our citizens no more
For in November ’99 ADI was privatised
Sold off to the rich and powerful
Why, the République française**
And now
They are sold around the world
To many foreign lands
But whence goes all the profit?
Why, to many foreign hands
Crusades are so lucrative
And the media play their hand
Girding all the loins up
Over danger to our land
So come on all you statesmen
Find someone to deplore
Get your bank files ready
And start a lucrative war

*Australian Defence Industries




Elderly Epilogue

A Funereal Address

Much have I wandered
In the world of the living
Time is hardly a problem
For I am still alive at ninety
Yet pain ensues
As I was cast aside
To writhe in my own company
Memories are empty things
To those who leave me alone
Many long years of togetherness
Like allergy medication tablets in water
As I sigh
Softly in despair
And advise myself
That all bad and sad things pass
So there I am
Alone with my thoughts
Aware of everything
At peace with nothing
Until I realise
That mortality
Is common to us all
And that final extinction
Will come to me almost as a friend
So rejoice for me then folks
On an end to all the suffering
A last touch of change
That will draw to a close the pain

Common Destiny

That’s it then
I am cast aside
Like an empty cigarette packet
In a flooded gutter
That’s how I feel now
Swept to God knows where
By the sludge of life
I know I have failed so many times
To act with noble decorum
Or up to the minute awareness
But I have tried
Flawed as I was, I did my best
It was not good enough
So this failure
Has turned me
Into an empty unwelcome vessel
Tattered with age
In the slough of despond
Longing for more company
But wait
Yes, peace beckons,
Some time soon as part of the mortal crowd
I shall with dignity leave all this behind me

The Way Of Things

That is the way of things
Time creeps up on you
You realise
That your days are numbered
Your journey down many streets
Is about to end
Ninety years is more than most have
It’s a time of memories
If your brain is still working
All those friends no longer with you
Still comfort you
Those enemies
Who no longer threaten you
Tap you on the shoulder
And you find there is no one there
The few you have loved
Now that is the hardest loss
For they gave you a raison d’être
Made you see a world
Sans hostility
And helped you believe
You could do things well
Be glad when the sun rises
And not sad when it sets
All gone now
Time relentlessly wins
That is the way of things

A Call To Harms

Where are you?
Can’t you see you’re needed?
You are so filled with your own importance
You’re away on your own business
Leaving me aged ninety
In harms way
With all my follies
My self pity
My longings
My narcissism
My desperate isolation
My lingering dreams still of a better life
All this is my reward
For my past interest in your destiny
My enduring friendship
Down all those years
Can’t you see what’s happening to me?
How my circumstances crush me?
How loneliness contaminates my life?
How I’m faltering in a world I’m soon to leave?
So where are you?
Come to me please
Give me your company
Your awareness of my needs
Your attention to my humour
Your worldliness that transcends my stupidity
So that in my brief remaining time
We can share laughter again
To dim the pain
So I can remain
In refreshing respite in your company


I have
Always been
A bit of a dreamer
Filled with hope
When the going gets tough
It’s a funny thing that
Old age is the time of dreams
But the trouble is
Then they rarely seem to come true
Take me for instance
I’m ninety
Walking is painful
Confined to indoors
Apart from my loving wife
My only company is TV and YouTube
When Esther is asleep or away
I actually get lonely
That’s when the trouble starts
Not an ideal situation
And yet
You have plenty of time
To write poems
So hey there, all you friends
Who’ve discarded me lately
Left me to stew in my own juice
For such a long time
Caused my distress
Agony might be a better way of putting it
It serves you right
Your perfect punishment is this poem


The Last Elderly Melodies


Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me

From “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus 1883

On the Statue Of Liberty

To imprison asylum seekers
Is a crime masquerading as necessity
Indefinite detention will make future historians wonder
Why racism flourished in our time
Habeas Corpus is a sacred concept
That must never be denied
People smugglers
Must never be a reason for endless imprisonment
Sanctuary and loving care
Must never be denied poor lost fellow humans
Shame! Shame! Shame
The Australian way with refugees is wrong
Is a disgrace
A disrepute
An infamy
A stain
That will forever remain
A dark and tragic flaw in our reputation
That cannot be undone by mere words
So stay silent all you excuse makers
You wrongful accusers of innocents
There is no queue that is jumped
There is no crime in boat travel for salvation
There is no justice if that for ever confines you
Now it’s time for a sea change
Set them free
Welcome them as part of our human family
Enjoy the transports of delight that compassion brings

No Problem

Cancer deaths are increasing
No problem
Buy atomic submarines
Many homes are burnt by wildfire
No problem
Buy atomic submarines
Half the poor are illiterate
No problem
Buy atomic submarines
Hospitals are short of beds, doctors and nurses
No problem
Buy atomic submarines
There’s a drastic shortage of houses
No problem
Buy atomic submarines
One in ten people in the world is poor
No problem
Buy atomic submarines
One in ten people in the world faces chronic hunger
No problem
Buy atomic submarines
One in four people has a decrepit home
No problem
Buy atomic submarines
500 species have vanished in the last hundred years
No problem
Buy atomic submarines
Outdoor air pollution has risen immensely since 1990
No problem
Buy atomic submarines
Chronic illness with obesity and diabetes is now common
No problem
Buy atomic submarines
That coercive industrialist fears losing corporate profit
No problem
Buy atomic submarines

The Forsaken Archetype

Hey there!
Oh no!
Heavens above!
Just look at what that would be leader
Plans to do with our society
Sack everyone who disagrees with him
Emasculate the legal system to save his guilty self
Deport all immigrants
Hit imported items with excessive tariffs
Deny women their right to control their own destiny
Foster oil and gas and coal to “drill baby drill”
Ban Muslims
Scrutinise federal employees with a new civil service test
Spurn and reject support for LGBTQ
Abolish teacher tenure
Terminate the Department of Education
Use the National Guard to prevent city violence
And take over the “dirty, crime-ridden” capital
That’s it then
A new era is looming
A vast change may soon be thrust upon us
A new kind of citizen, an archetype, now appears
He is white, obedient
A Christian who reads the chosen Bible
Hates foreigners
Denies climate change
Wears regalia in praise of the leader
And proclaims his membership of a master race
Look around you then
You will notice him because he is a flamboyant figure
Poised motionless now
At the gates of our earthly kingdom but yet afraid to enter
Now that’s funny
He is standing there not moving and suddenly silent
Is there a reason for this hesitation; yes I think there is
His brainwashing leader lost the election – again

Plausible Deniability

O My!
That seems so incriminating
Permission to build overwhelming tower monstrosities
That mutilate the landscape
Surround the city
And destroy forever a golden array of historic buildings
Just look at them
Rising ever skywards to do away with the sun
Why in heaven’s name was that approved?
What is the reason for that excrescence?
Who brought it about?
Now now, stay calm
Due process was followed with this massive project
Recognised procedures were followed
Endorsed by council meetings
With investigations by a committee
Confirmed by recognised distinguished experts
Due process was applied at the appropriate time
Owners of demolished houses were compensated
Traffic diversion was kept to a minimum
The new facilities were advertised
The project was blessed by media back up
Including praise of the new lifestyle
And public display of plans
Reinforced by advertisements praising the new lodgings
O and yes, by pecuniary support from the developer
Who did so much to launch the program


Listen to him
Praising himself incessantly
Claiming everything he does is wonderful
Never before seen in the history of the land
Everyone who opposes him is wrong
And note well this
His opponents
Are ruining the nation
Costly because of their incompetence
Imposing hardships on all
By ignoring his wondrous plans
That would bring comfort and joy never before seen
His critics are fools
Clumsy schemers
Dedicated to disastrous change
There he goes
Look at him
Responding to interviews
With sharp anger when criticised
And fairy stories about untrue achievement
Whenever the chance arises
Is this man brilliant as he claims to be?
Are his achievements great as he says?
Are his actions good for the nation?
Is this man an out of control narcissist?
Is his id a damaged source of all psychic energy?
Therefore beware
When the vital, decisive time comes
Do not, for any reason, vote him into power


Yet More Elderly Melodies

Shock Jocks

Wisdom is a fleeting thing
Very scarce these days
Even though radio guiding lights constantly say they have it
They babble on interminably
According to the plan
Mouthing ultra-conservative blimpish discourse
As dictated by their masters
So advocates of social change are communists
The climate is not warming
Foreigners are flooding our nation
Selected countries threaten our borders
There, reactionary politicians are interviewed favourably
While advocates of necessary change are given short shrift
Take that fake but influential guru for instance
Words flow from his lips in a torrent
Violent repartee
Decrying virtue and condoning acquisitiveness
Or that other person of unwarranted fame
Leading her listeners
Towards condemnation of righteousness
They are so rich these obedient servants of greed
Rewarded greatly
For defaming chosen victims
Offensive they are
Deliberately so, and provocative
As they do the thinking for mind damaged followers
So the days pass for these prattlers
As they fill the air with claptrap, inanity, irrationality
Turning each day into a clatter of doom
They chatter on, pawns of their masters
Who pay them so well
That is the way of things in our present kakistocracy
There is only one solution
An answer to end the imbecility
The true way to change the tragic folly
It is education
The best remaining remedy to save humanity
So fund those schools and bring about the change now

On Defence

“War is a racket.” Smedley D. Butler 1935

You are investing in defence
Huge amounts
That means you need enemies present or future
Let me see then, where are they?
We have a current problem: peace has broken out
What can we do about that?
I know: turn to the media
Border protection is a nice term to imply a threat
Accounts of intruding ships is also an effective ploy
And you can set up treaties “To protect our way of life”
That’s a neat implied danger
Contrasting social systems are fruitful links to fear
Communism for the West is a golden potential danger
As fascism once was
Which leads us to history, so useful!
Bring on the war documentaries
Hitler is dead but lives on as an example of jeopardy
So too does Stalin
Then there are inventions: the latest triumphs of modernity
Atomic submarines; drones; supersonic aircraft
Wondrous triumphs we’ve got to have in case of war
Make them now
Be ready
Invest or you’ll be left behind
Conquered because of your deadly inertia

Weapons of war are big business, at times the biggest
So lucrative for a privileged few
And there is so often a market, somewhere
Terrorists get their weapons from someone
Ah yes! It’s a long, long way to Tipperary
But that’s where the money is


Listen to her
Ranting against immigrants
Like someone from the Ku Klux Klan
What a tiny, distorted mind she reveals when she speaks
Carefully ignoring reality
To promote her own significance
Words for her are weapons of deceit
Beckoning the followers who vote for her
To build castles of pretence in the troubled air
Can you hear her?
The fraudulence?
The chicanery?
The cunning?
The craft?
She is a whistleblower with a tainted whistle
An orator from the dark side of the planet
A disciple of racist rogues
This person given the right to speak
By the bigotry of others
Who chose her to taint a public arena
She is today by her deeds in public
A harpy with a vicious condemnatory tongue
Her public life is marred by the ideas she spreads
That portray ruthless fantasy
Condemning innocents
With total injustice
There she rages now
Creating headlines with her sinister statements
So remote from kindness
From justice
And from truth
That she colours her destiny with contempt
You ask me for her name
I decline your request
As a prelude to her future
For she will soon be forever forgotten

Election Trauma

There you are, it’s time to vote
And then to harvest the flowers
From the garden of lies
What a fake fanfare you are hearing
From the elected one
Conveying bogus humility
With counterfeit respect for the voice of the people
While the loser
Pretends to accept the decision of the electors
All fabrications these
The victor rejoices in the profit derived from fame
While the defeated one
Thinks next time he will need more ad money
Thus the wheels of government grind insatiably on
Leaving the poor and the needy, especially if they are old,
To fend desperately for themselves
If hunger is your problem
Or decent clothes
Or disablement
Or no home
Or age
Then write a letter to the moneyed corporation
That sponsors your local member
Tell them your problem
And then watch the help fail to trickle down
That is the way of things
If you have no ill-gotten gains in your present world
You are doomed to subservience
To desperate financial planning
To hardship without respite
To comfortless existence
To a struggle to endure
So think critically constantly next time you vote
Write letters to the editor
Condemning greedy lobbyists
Then demand virtue ruthlessly or writhe forever in pain

A Premature Eulogy

This life about to end has been a great romp
Learning has been slow
Mistakes have been many
Two lovers only, and they changed me for the better
Three children made me glad to be human
And teaching was my raison d’être
Sharing life at nine schools and three universities
For exactly fifty years
Twelve books I wrote, lots of poems like this
And some dealings with vanity press
Played soccer, rugby union, league and cricket
Two sporting blues won
Oh and I have three degrees
So there you see, quite a range of endeavours
With a ribbon of failures time kindly severs
Now what else do I need to say?
Well, I have an array of ideas to share:
As I’m a skeptic I now declare
I believe politicians rarely tell the truth
That political parties serve corporate masters
That privatisation’s a red herring for the few
That wise taxes are good for the world
That welfare’s more important than a balanced budget
That war is a swindle for a very rich few
That logging of rain forests is a curse
That indigenous people should be loved and respected
That nuclear energy should be used only for medicine
That climate change deniers have cognitive paralysis
That university scholarship should be free
That education and health out value atomic submarines
That without history we repeat and repeat our follies
That advertisements are sinister intrusions
That all the world IS a stage
Thus I am tempted to portray rage
But I hopefully dream of heaven above
So I choose instead to declare my love
As devotion to my children and my loving wife
Is the one pure joy of my divergent life


Still More Elderly Melodies

On Truth

It’s an ephemeral thing, truth
Yet somehow an incitement when you find it
A way of seeing things
That gives you unexpected power
The confidence to think wisely
To influence people in a worthy way
And expose false prophets
You can be sure somewhere, some time
You will need it desperately
So often in life we are beset with chasms of deceit
Entrapped in webs woven by charlatans
Beguiled by cunning experts in dark duplicity
Seeking to lead you up often profitable garden paths
Take the adman for instance
Or an honourable member in the parliament of lies
Yes, that is the way of political things
In our world where advertised untruths reap popularity
And rumours start wars
Look at them selling things you don’t need
Look at them giving autocrats electoral control
Look at them vending destructive warmers of climate
Look at them conferring authority on cronies
Look at them selling with fake testimonials
Look at them cutting welfare to buy weapons
Ah me! It is so sad
To see so much abuse of reality
Ah me! It is so sad
To notice fantasy flourishing in so many places

Come on, all you trumpeters of falsehood
All you political prevaricators
It’s time for change
The hour of triumph for integrity has arrived
A new world beckons with capacity for veracity
So let Hades turn joyfully into nirvana

Hearing Aids

The silence is so stark when you lose your hearing
You suddenly realise how important sound is
Conversation becomes so difficult
So much information can’t reach your mind
It’s such a burden that soundlessness
You are so isolated
The world turns its back on you
Captions on your TV are a sole source of meaning
People are amazed when you fail to heed their advice
Ignore their wit
Or answer their questions
You begin to watch people’s lips
Lean towards them hopefully
And accidentally interrupt them mid-sentence
The music you love no longer exists
Sport becomes a voiceless media charade
A visit to a cinema is a waste of money
Giant planes fly overhead silently
Storms have no thunder
And the wind rattles your venetian blinds silently
Life suddenly is a challenge
As you struggle to understand a mysterious world
My hearing aids changed all of that
It was magic, that sudden revival of my ears
I heard birds again, such wondrous music
The love songs of crickets near my window
Accompanied my night
I shared wisdom and laughter with my friends
Found allies with common goals
Joined the teams I needfully respected
Shared my dreams
At times with laughter
Found again the company I desire
And my humanity returned

Dear Mr Trump

Dear Mr Trump
I am a little boy of ten
My Daddy says you are at it again
I believe you’re a smart man filled with glee
Who loves all people and longs to be free
Daddy says it’s definite proof we see
That you tell the truth just like me
You love to play games he also says
But you don’t like people who wear a fez
It’s a funny thing that as my teacher claims
We should love all people whatever their names
Daddy says too you have lots of money
Though the way you use it is quite funny
Sometimes you tell banks you’ve many a penny
But often they find you haven’t any
You’re such a clever man Daddy thinks
You can hoodwink a foe before he blinks
There are many fans who wave to you
And whenever you speak there’s a hullabaloo
I see on the news you have many supporters
Daddy says you’ve a wondrous way with reporters
He says you are powerful and reach for the skies
I’m so glad like me you never tell lies
I see you as tall, almost up to the ceiling
But Daddy said people accuse you of stealing
And he said we should drum some loud percussion
To boldly honour your bond with a Russian
Another thing he wants me to mention
You can cause a riot to get attention
And there are battles that you have fought
That land you so often into court
But all the world must see you as fair
So you pay smart lawyers to get you there
Now dear Mr Trump you are my hero
Daddy says if in Rome you’d be a Nero
I want you to know that I respect you
And Daddy says the dupes will soon elect you


My world

I was there
When Hitler came to rule
I was there
When Roosevelt saved the nation
I was there
When Dillinger played the fool
I was there
When steam trains found my station
I was there
When Edward abdicated
I was there
When Stalin did his purges
I was there
When the Anschluss* was debated
I was there
When Freud defined our urges
I was there
When the Hindenburg caught fire
I was there
When kristallnacht was done**
I was there
When Churchill spread his ire
I was there
When Bradman scored each run
I was there
When Hiroshima was destroyed
I was there
When Armstrong walked the moon
I was there
When Margaret Thatcher was annoyed
I was there
When my existence was a merry tune
Yes I have seen so much in peace and war
And that was what my life was fashioned for

*Annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany: March, 1938.

** German, literally ‘night of crystal’, referring to the broken glass produced by the smashing of shop windows as the Nazis attacked Jews: November, 1938.

Hail Dictator

So that’s your plan!
To get back into power by telling lies
So you claim to be an epitome
An unmatched thinker and orator
Everything you do gives you a place in the Hall of Fame
The best ever; never before seen
You hate foreigners
Say they poison our blood
When you are punished for a crime
You declare yourself a victim of political intrigue
You make friends with tyrants
And claim to have them eating from the palm of your hand
You deride savagely all your opponents
Creating fictitious flaws that are derogatory fairy stories
You claim an inalienable right to do as you please
Even to kill
You steal government pamphlets and call them your own
You bribe corrupt contacts to protect your image
You post damaging evidence on social media
You falsify business records to hide hush-money
You surround yourself with splendour to seem supreme
You fling free objects into the crowd to fake generosity
You style your hair for sham elegance
You proclaim nonsense in the guise of wisdom
You cast aside allies when their usefulness fades
You bend the judiciary to suit your schemes
You talk about blood baths and advocate violence
And you bellow before rabble like Stentor of old*
Thus you rise in popularity
Your status grows according to your plans
All seems so well in your camp
But the emperor has no clothes
Yet you look headed for tragic success
Sieg Heil!

*Stentor was a herald of the Greek army during the Trojan War.


More Elderly Melodies

Qu’est-ce la vie sans rêve?*

So the court has decided something
Rather has stated the obvious
It has always been illegal to imprison without trial
To ignore habeas corpus
Or to gaol someone for not breaking a law
Alas and alack!
This has been done
In Australia’s sordid past and continues today
What’s all the fuss then
About criminals set free to obey a court decree?
They should never have been imprisoned
Where lies the crime then?
Who is guilty?
I say dog whistling politicians with their indefinite detention
Shame! Shame! Shame!
I say let the boats come
And it’s political posing to stop them
People will drown you say
I say better than endless imprisonment
Remember the suicides
I say people smuggling is a convenient crime
Used for political gain
I say take away the smugglers’ market
By constructive work in the countries of origin
I say the vast sum spent on detention centres
Should be dedicated to asylum seekers’ welfare
What’s that you say?
I’m a dreamer with both feet firmly planted in the air
Maybe so,
But what is life without dreams?
Without this one I say it is a terrible nightmare

*French saying: “What is life without dreams?”


Here I stand
Employed by a rich company to lie and cheat
Bring shill bids to auctions
Always exaggerate my firm’s wealth to banks
Promote guns
Foster advertorial lies
Promote untrue press releases
Sanction illicit takeovers
And regarding my bosses, never rock the boat
That’s it then, but ah! What’s this?
The time has come for revelation
To end the immorality
Cast aside deceit
Bring justice to the marketplace
And respect for the power of integrity
Look at me now then
Just a simple soul
A little the worse for years
Just a minor cog in a giant wheel
A faint voice in the wilderness
But I have a brain and a tongue
More importantly, I have a heart
And even more significant, a conscience
So hand me that whistle
Yes, I choose to blow it
To bring to the world reality
The consequences of utter chicanery
The disaster of fake reputations
I know it will be the end my vocation
My status in the inner sanctum
My place in the cheating hierarchy
But what else can a man of conscience do
For peace of mind?
So bring on the Witch Finder General*
I am ready to tell my story and suffer accordingly
Just a nobody
But now my name will be remembered

*Matthew Hopkins was this English witch-hunter in the seventeenth century.


    You are waging a just war
    You have an enemy who deserves death and destruction
    Who commits a crime against you
    A villainy that must be repaid
    And your right to kill is beyond reproach
    Revenge is in your heart
    With slaughter at your fingertips
    Go then
    Kill! Kill! Kill!
    Regardless of age or gender
    Let loose the Angel Of Death
    Without guilt or pity
    Mutilate that foe
    Endlessly until victory is yours
    Demolish his domain completely
    So that he will not again rise against you
    Sing a paean for your own who die
    As you boldly seize the foreign realm
    That’s it then
    Victory will be yours
    Justice will have found its rightful place
    A triumph of favourable statistics
    Mastery of ogres
    Righteousness portrayed in your history books
    But wait
    Here’s a thought for you
    In future days your story will be told
    The mores you have displayed
    Will be known tomorrow and tomorrow
    If somewhere, some time
    Another enemy more powerful than you should arise
    You will have set a pattern
    And your deeds now will decide your destiny then
    Your genocide will have a place in the annals
    A model for others
    And this time
    The suffering pitiful prey may well be you

    Cognitive Paralysis

    Look at him
    Filling morgues in a global pandemic
    Spruiking non sequiturs now as if they were true
    Lying as a reflex action
    To support his hair raising machinations
    Condemning the law as a political arm of his foes
    Misquoting history with the elegance of a charlatan
    Shaking hands with collusive monocrats
    Stirring protests for political ends
    Posing with a bible he never reads
    Boasting of wealth he does not have
    Casting aside allies no longer of use to him
    Maligning immigrants with fanatical bigotry
    Promoting ventures that deny climate change
    And rating himself always with a ten
    So there we have him
    This demon of deception
    This ancient with the brain of a child
    This apology for political integrity
    This poseur who claims virtue
    And seeks to be a leader
    Should we choose him?
    No Non Nein Nee Não Nej Tidak Nie
    The misfit has no right to a position of power
    He is a danger to civilisation
    A menace in the realm of media
    A political dagger
    Poised above the heart of mankind
    Should we name him?
    There is no need
    For his identity lurches on the awareness of us all
    With distressing consequences
    Bordering on despair
    So let him be
    For his inadequacies will turn him into flotsam
    That floats away on the tide of Truth
    Into the chaos of endless forgotten ignominy

    Ahoy Fool

    Hey there
    What in heaven’s name are you doing?
    Listening to you
    Is dangerous business that could be fatal
    You stir the mob like Adolf Hitler on steroids
    With lies
    Goading them into action against your enemies
    People like me
    You remind me of a bipolar frog
    With your deep-throated non sequiturs
    Persuading the brain depleted rabble
    Who follow you and do your bidding
    I hear their unbalanced cheers
    As they swallow guff from the palms of your devious hands
    How they love you and your cunning repartee
    Designed to give you power and control
    You build castles of falsehood in the air
    Like a yes-man at a carnival of temptations
    Your mind is controlled
    By your ambition to seize supremacy
    No heinous degrading strategy is rejected by you
    As you live your life of infamy
    Hunting success as an ambitious con man
    Engulfed by delusions of your own significance
    So rant on fool
    Ply your sinister schemes of deceit
    In your market place of dark deception
    Your theatre of unreality
    Your tower of iniquity
    You will not persuade me
    I will not swallow your inducement
    There will not be complicit acts by me
    For you are nothing but a costly token of insignificance
    Ready for a sealed bin of worthless waste


    Elderly Melodies

    Poems By Someone Long In The Tooth

    Use-by Date

    They were very rude to me today
    Said I’d passed my use-by date
    How dare they!
    What do they think I am?
    A jar of Vegemite?
    What a bunch of ill-informed Noddies!
    I’m only ninety
    Bubbling over with wisdom and energy
    Unknown to immature people
    Take politics for instance
    Now ordinary mortals
    Those without my gift of awareness
    Will vote either Liberal or Labor
    Not me
    Not on yer life
    I know corporations control the big parties completely
    So I vote informal to keep the nation honest
    Do you see what I mean re my wisdom?
    Sport is another pursuit where I star
    I play two-up and sometimes win, every Anzac Day
    Then there is shopping
    I buy only bargains, nothing else
    Quite a good plan
    Although I now have a room full of cheap toilet rolls
    Rain is never a problem
    Even though my umbrella won’t open
    When it rains I stay indoors
    You see how I leave all whippersnappers behind me?
    I’m a student of culture too,
    Every day except Sunday I study The Daily Telegraph
    Yes age does not weary me
    And history is my great interest
    I select my sources carefully
    Just read Charles Ponzi, PT Barnum and Richard Nixon
    So there you are you see
    My tale brings glee
    And far from too old you too can be
    If you learn your life’s lessons from someone like me

    Monkey Business

    I went to the zoo to seek a friend
    Hoping to find some flunkeys
    But all I could find were the monkeys
    And they drove me round the bend
    One stole my hat
    Just fancy that
    And it calmly began to eat it
    Then it pulled it apart
    And bless my heart
    I tried but couldn’t defeat it
    For the rest of the day I went hatless
    And though it’s absurd
    I then courted a bird
    For its ID you’d need an atlas
    But you’ll never guess why my anger arose
    As the next event
    Swiftly came and went
    And that bird simply mangled my nose
    What a fix I was in at this worrisome time
    I felt so flat
    Couldn’t smell a rat
    From this ornithological crime
    But yet dear reader all was not lost
    There was an ideal solution
    To this stark convolution
    A relief though with very great cost
    When I got home no more to roam
    I thought with elan
    And hatched a plan
    That made me a clever old gnome
    The monkey business had made my heart thump
    But an idea arose
    That was on the nose
    Give a bell to Donald Trump
    So I sought his help and advice
    He showed me his tricks
    My aromas were fixed
    But alas he trebled the price


    Old Robbie had a hobby despite his lack of wealth
    He loved to see a doctor and discuss his health
    Illness to him was a frequent event
    That he sought every day to cure or prevent
    So those quests all ruled his days
    As he boldly traversed life’s maze
    Until one day something occurred
    That I must say was quite absurd
    And indeed life changing
    His behaviour rearranging
    O my! How that life of his went amiss
    The story it went like this
    He suddenly heard a voice
    It was not by his choice
    Ringing out like a bell through the air
    Yet there wasn’t a person there
    Like the captain of the Titanic
    The old chap began to panic
    “Oh dear! I have a psychosis
    Delusion or stark neurosis!”
    Anxiety turned into terror
    He seemed to have made no error
    And the voice rang out warnings of doom
    That echoed around the room
    The old man felt fear
    Fate pummelling each ear
    And began to shiver and shake
    His psyche so wildly awake
    That sound he heard seemed primeval
    So suggestive of evil
    His body was trembling
    An earthquake resembling
    Until there came resolution
    A truly surprising solution
    Old Betsy’s life had been given a lift
    A smart clock-radio had been her gift
    Switched suddenly on, remote as a feather
    And all Robbie heard were the news and the weather

    Last Chance

    Here you are
    After a long life of misbehaviour
    Trapped in the mire of your own incompetence
    Now at last you head the company
    You are the one who makes all decisions
    Dictates the derisions
    And motivates the misanthropy
    Yes, things have changed
    And time has moved on
    We are now ready for a new era
    What will happen now?
    How will the cookie crumble?
    One landmark, one beacon will guide the way
    You, the new leader
    Clothed in the finery of higher status
    Powerful as previously unknown
    With the capacity and possible tenacity for change
    Strongly aware of the many challenges around us
    Understanding the mechanisms
    Knowing the joy of winning
    But also conscious of frequent despair
    Will now reach out like Cronus*
    Change the world
    Throw away the bleak habits of the past
    Create a new era
    A first thing in the morning
    A dawning
    And pay all workers a fair wage

    * In Greek mythology Cronus was a Titan who became the first king.


    Well now, that’s interesting
    I haven’t seen that before, not ever
    I wonder why on earth it has happened
    From time to time you see amazing things
    So surprising you forget other trivialities
    So different from the past this event
    You struggle to understand
    You pinch yourself
    Rub your eyes
    Google a question
    But still no explanation
    No discourse on the actuality of what you have seen
    Wiki doesn’t know
    Nor Britannica
    Nor Fox News
    Any erudite friend you ask will look blank
    YouTube will have no documentaries on it
    Shock jocks won’t believe you
    It is completely unknown previously
    So there we are
    Down all the ages of time
    The annals of history
    In all records of humanity
    Nowhere will you find an obvious precedent for this event
    So you rise from your chair
    Pace the room
    Maybe gaze searchingly through a window
    Ponder longingly
    And still no true understanding
    Nevertheless you decide to disclose the evidence:
    That American presidential candidate just told the truth


    Only One

    Silent Violence

    A penny for the old guy. T S Eliot: The Hollow Men
    All that is needed for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing. Author Unknown.

    Listen! Listen! Do you hear, my Dear?
    Listen! Listen! Is it the silence you fear?

    Did you see the old guy begging for your penny?
    Did you, like me, with a shake of your head, imply you hadn’t any?

    Was that observant mongrel dog sole witness to his end?
    Did he die irrelevant, in that street with but one friend?

    Will pity give you passion to talk about his fate,
    Or will your mind be countersigned by your final tax rebate?

    Listen! Listen! Do you hear, my Dear?
    Listen! Listen! Is it the silence you fear?

    Are those men your soldiers, bleeding from your thrust,
    Sent to die by the man at the top you gullibly learnt to trust?

    Did your shares produce the guns that led their world to war?
    Did the spin create the din to hide what those shares were for?

    Are those dead children yours my Dear, lying in the dust?
    Did you buy those toys of theirs, broken and left to rust?

    Do your words impale your heart, in a vain bid to come out
    And tell this other story, when killing is about?

    Listen! Listen! Do you hear, my Dear?
    Listen! Listen! Is it the silence you fear?

    Do you hear the anguish of that solitary pauper

    At another inquest caused by an affluent nation’s torpor?

    Did you see a welfare plan and savagely begrudge it,
    To vote in the assassin with his hallowed balanced budget ?

    Cries and sighs are everywhere, unheard by many ears;
    Why are comfort and profit all your planning reveres?

    Speak! Speak! Do you hear, my Dear?
    Speak! Speak! Is it the silence you fear?

    Silence can be violence, subtle and unseen;
    When a voice is needed, are not closed lips obscene?


    Yet More Serious Thoughts

    Lies For Sale

    How cunning they are
    Exploiting human weakness for profit
    So images of people guzzling fleshy food
    Are visible often
    To stir your taste buds and make you spend
    Or flashy cars are seen endlessly
    To promote a sale for the wrong reasons
    Or an attractive woman
    Offers a drive to an eligible male
    And sexuality leads to a purchase
    Or Simple Simon gets your attention
    By doing something stupid or naive
    To foster a deal
    Or visual gimmickry batters your eyes
    To create the illusion of magical cleanliness
    That inspires your investment
    Or celebrities are paid vast sums
    To pretend they like a product
    So we lapdogs will then invest in it
    Or conspicuous crowds of fake enthusiasts
    And all they do is shout a lie to make you buy
    Or others exploit the Superman illusion
    With counterfeit images of power
    To sell petrol
    Thus we build unreal visual castles in the air
    Utopian deception
    To sell mundanity disguised as gold
    There you are
    Some of the ways the invisible hand
    Stirs the hallowed brew of cost effectiveness
    Such is life these days
    Those are but some of the ways
    The market roars
    The marketeer triumphs
    And life goes on as the deceivers prescribe

    Arrant Rogue

    Look at you
    You have a way with words that persuades non thinkers
    You lie constantly, not innocent fibs
    But sweeping momentous disturbing untruths
    That make your responsive obeisant flock of followers
    Love you to the level of reverence
    Your way with violence too makes you a deadly iconoclast
    An ugly nonconformist
    Who leads people astray assiduously for his own benefit
    How then do you do this?
    Let us count the ways
    You are funded by corporations to deny global warming
    You exploit racism by decrying immigration
    You break the law constantly to increase your profits
    You use courtrooms as venues for your own propaganda
    You favour politically your own absolute rule
    You have a distorted view of history
    You wave your arms and clap yourself constantly in public
    You imprison children inhumanely for long periods
    You reduce or eliminate independent science advisory panels
    You refuse assiduously to accept political defeat
    You treat international diplomacy with utter contempt
    Let that suffice for now
    Such follies link your leadership to despair
    Bring political mores to the edge of a cliff
    At the foot of that cliff is dictatorship
    And chaos for all humanity
    So let us chart a new course
    Treat roguery with the contempt it deserves
    Be alert for integrity
    And cast any arrant rogue
    Away, away, away
    To the other side of awareness

    The Climate Curse Still Lingers

    The climate curse still lingers
    Greedy neocon birds of prey still rule the roost
    Still supported obeisantly by a government they fund
    Cars still convert oxygen into greenhouse gases
    Coal still finds a market for a mogul to exploit
    Gas is still exported for exorbitant profit
    Oil still shapes the destiny of power hungry nations
    Still science knocks on many doors and finds no one at home
    So loudly consequences scream, seeking our attention
    And what then are the outcomes that we need to mention?
    Floods have become destructive events again and again and again
    Heat waves condemn many old folk to an early grave
    Cosmic fires pervade the earth, killing too many we try to save
    Storms cause dire destruction and cast aside resistance
    Damaged roads and bridges hinder normal existence
    Droughts now happen frequently as the rain finds another place
    Ground level ozone vapours still threaten the human race
    Depression is more common today with post traumatic stress
    Famines now grow in number to add to the duress
    Heating the sea will bring mercury into the food we eat
    Starvation lingers on many doorsteps because of the heat
    So wake up now you miscreants who still promote disaster
    You must act now so the marketeer will not be our master
    Bring wisdom into the lives you harm
    Think things through to cast aside alarm
    The heat is on and the chance is gone to disregard the analysis
    Deniers now will be suffering from a form of mental paralysis
    Do it now, discard those mindless ways
    So you can comment truthfully on the loveliest of days


    Well now, just look at you
    Mouthing lies and patriotism as a Fascist might
    What do you think you are?
    The ruler of this land?
    Not a bit of it
    You are a self promoting wastrel
    A liar who defies the law with absolute venom
    A nonentity disguised as a significant somebody
    A tyrant obsessed with your own grab for power
    You persuade people effectively by appealing to their darker nature
    Tell tales that appeal to non thinkers
    Curse your opponents to bring them into disrepute
    With fables and emotional non sequiturs
    Your voice is heard because of the colluding media
    That love you like a long lost brother
    Or rather like a spoilt brat
    You weave your tapestry of unreality
    Your praise of evil and your eulogy of self promotion
    Your defiance of valid legal procedures
    Your fake claims of injustice directed towards you
    Your allegiance drawn from a throng of mindless followers
    And your nauseous criminal history about to be exposed
    Now the wheels of justice are really turning
    Misdeeds have consequences that will catch up with you
    Although for you crime pays, a day of judgement is approaching
    Your assault on the law is about to fall by the wayside
    Your true nature is about to be reckoned with
    Justice awaits you
    And the knives it wields are very sharp
    Your body is about to be exhumed from the graveyard of deceit
    And cremated by the fires of fair play
    So give the world now the peace it deserves
    The one gift you have left to bestow upon us
    Your silence

    The Sword Of Justice

    How dare you; you can’t do that
    Treat the law, its judges, and its juries with contempt
    Comment aloud during a court session
    Abuse the officers of the judicature
    And your legal opponents
    Then rise and leave with anger amidst the procedures
    The law is a sacred thing
    Vital to every member of every society
    If justice is despised and inoperative at any time
    Injustice sponsored by tyranny is but a small step away
    Fascism, a reign of terror, totalitarianism, dictatorship
    Are possible perils when the law is treated with disrespect
    So change your ways you mindless self-promoting dullard
    Abandon your disobedience, your waywardness, your defiance
    Your ways that endanger the future of mankind
    Learn the lessons taught by the ages
    Appropriate respect for the timeless sword of justice
    The vital icon of civilisation
    The common man’s only defence against despotism
    The one safeguard for all against enslavement
    So change you ways now
    Listen to the voice of reason
    Follow the advice of the time aware
    Who have seen the law grow in strength and significance
    Through all the years that history records
    If you fail; if you continue your disobedient follies
    That sword will smite you asunder
    Dismember your disobedient selfish body
    Into a thousand pieces of insignificance
    And cast them into a chasm of forgotten memories
    Your life’s causes will be ended
    Your name will be sullied
    Your business will be bankrupt
    Your politics will shrivel into voteless non existence
    And above all else
    The law we must respect
    Will not be contaminated by your non sequiturs
    Away with you then, now
    Revise yourself
    Or remain forever silent
